Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thy will be done!

"Show me Your ways, O Lord.My hope is in You all day long" (Psa 25:4,5)

Under the New Covenant, God through His Spirit puts His laws in our mind and writes them on our hearts (Heb 8:10). In other words, at new birth He gives us the potential ability to understand His mind. But the truth always remains that God's thoughts are higher than ours as the heavens are higher than the earth (Isa 55:8,9).

Waiting on God to know His mind is comparable to a servant looking to his master for orders and instructions. This is pictorially illustrated in Psalm 123:2, "As the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God." Nothing else should interest us if our attention before God is to be undivided. To hear from Above, it is necessary we stop our ears to the voices from around. Directions for the first missionary movement were received while a team of five prophets-cum-teachers was waiting on God with fasting and prayer (Acts 13:1-4).

We miss God's will at critical situations just because we don't withdraw ourselves for a while to wait on Him. The beheading of John the Baptist was not an ordinary news to Jesus. John was both a family member and a fellow worker to Jesus. "As soon as Jesus heard the news, He went off by Himself in a boat to remote area to be alone" (Mt 14:13). When He heard that His friend Lazarus was sick, He waited a while to know His Father's mind in the matter. The four days of delay paved way not only to perform a resurrection miracle but also prepared a pulpit for Jesus to teach precious truths on resurrection (Jn 11).

When we are at crossroads, and there are more than one option, waiting on God is indispensable. Deciding between good and bad is easier than choosing between good and better. Only God knows which is best for us. He alone knows the end from the beginning (Isa 46:10). Eliezer made a trip to Mesopotamia to hunt for a bride for Isaac. When he saw Rebekah who was exquisitely beautiful and exceptionally helpful, he was quite excited. However he "remained silent so as to know whether the Lord had prospered his trip or not" (Gen 24:21). Interestingly, during that time, the groom was also waiting on God by spending time in meditation out in the fields (v 63). What a lesson for parents and youngsters!

    Hold Thou my hand! so weak I am, and helpless,
    I dare not take one step without Thy aid;
    Hold Thou my hand! for then, O loving Saviour,
    No dread of ill shall make my soul afraid!
           ---    (Grace J. Frances)

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