Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rock that doesn't move ...! (True Story--Must Read)

Rock that doesn't move ………

Years ago, there lived a ship owner with his family who was actually a sailor. He sailed from one place to another across the rivers. He had a son whom he adored and loved a lot. The sailor's son had a wish that he should travel with his father in the ship. But, the father was so concerned and caring towards his son that he didn't feel like putting the boy's life at risk by taking him across the rivers. From his years of experience, he told the son that it's not safe to take him, because of the cyclones and tides that will cause the ship to get imbalanced and drowned. The little boy was so curious and excited, as he already planned for a trip on a ship with his dad. One fine day, the boy forced his father to take him along. As expected, even on that day, there were severe tornados and a cyclone which hit the ship while traveling amidst the river. Consequently, the boy being small got drowned. His father searched for the boy everywhere and was shattered as he wasn't able to find his son. The very next morning, he found his son on the rock lying in the middle of the river, lost his conscious. Due to the water in his body, he became sick and it was difficult for him to live one whole night without any medication. His father took his son, rubbed his feet, removed the water from his body and gave him something warm to drink trying to protect his child. After a minute or two, the sailor asked his son, how he was able to survive one whole night. He asked him whether he was not afraid or shaken and the boy answered "the rock I was lying on didn't shake, neither had it let me get drowned and it was holding me still. How can I be afraid when the rock itself was giving me courage to live and removed the fear within me?" Friends this is amazing, The rock there represents our living God. His shoulders are big enough to catch us when we fall. Under no condition should you feel that you are left out that this rich provision is not for you. Lord preserves and protects those who love him. God is your refuge and no evil shall befall you. Neither a tide nor a storm can hit his children, because we all are covered under his feathers. Rock is the foundation that was laid which helped the boy to lean on. God's love is the main base and foundation for us to live in this world. Cast all your burdens upon him and he will stand still until eternity with you like the rock. Let a tear appear on your cheek and he is there by your side to wipe it away. Our life might be filled with storms, deadly races and tsunamis, but our loving and an everlasting father is there to protect us.

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